• beta365官网系统的仓库从卡罗莱纳处理

    We offer the best in racking systems, with a host of products to fit multiple operations.

    Browse a wide selection of racking systems and components from Carolina Handling, including guard rails, 帖子保护者, 基板, 闩, 光线。, 和更多的.

    以下是我们提供的一些机架和电线产品. For a full list of the brands and items we sell, beta365的合作伙伴,讨论您的需求和预算.

托盘beta365官网 Systems

从滚筒式和结构式到汽车式和悬臂式, we've got the right rack for your operation. We work with a number of brands and vendors to supply our customers with the highest quality pallet racking systems. 不确定哪个系统可以在你的仓库工作? 今天就给我们打电话,免费评估您的设施的存储需求.

  • 结构beta365官网从卡罗莱纳处理仓储


    Structural Pallet Rack is highly recommended in warehouses that have a fast-paced environment, such as large cold storage facilities, beverage distributors, food handling warehouses, or any high volume storage warehouses. 结构架s can endure much greater impact from forklift equipment and offer more pounds per square inch.

  • 辊成型工业beta365官网的仓库从卡罗莱纳处理

    Roll Formed Rack

    推荐零售商店使用卷成型托盘架, 商业, and industrial warehouses storing lighter weight products with less fork truck interaction. 滚筒式机架比结构机架便宜, 这种较低的成本提供了更多的前期投资回报, 同时仍然为大多数应用提供必要的强度.

  • 悬臂式beta365官网ing from Carolina Handling


    Cantilever racking offers efficient, organized storage of longer, oddly-sized materials. 可提供各种尺寸和容量, standard and heavy duty cantilever racks present an assortment of storage solutions. Choose from a variety of styles for simple installation, low maintenance, and rugged operation.

  • Pallet Flow beta365官网 from Carolina Handling

    Pallet Flow Rack

    Pallet Flow beta365官网 is a high density storage system that functions as first in, first out. 此系统适用于时间敏感产品和有限数量的sku. Pallets are loaded from one side and gravity rollers transport them down to the picking side. 在超过3个托盘深度的系统上,通常提供制动系统.

  • Pushback beta365官网 Systems from Carolina Handling


    推杆架ing is a high density storage solution that allows greater selectivity than drive-in pallet racks. Push Back is a last in, first out system, but multiple SKUs can be stored since each lane and level is accessed independently. Push Back systems can be designed to store up to 6 pallets in depth and multiple levels vertically.

  • 卡罗莱纳处理提供的免下车托盘beta365官网


    Drive-In 托盘beta365官网 is a high density storage solution that works well with food or product manufactures that have a limited number of product SKUs. 免下车需要标准化的托盘,采用后进先出的方式。. Drive-In rack typically has a lower cost than other high density systems such as Push Back and Pallet Flow.

架保护 & 维修的产品

Put an end to the cycle of upright replacement, 并消除归因于机架维修的经常性费用. 我们提供的产品,以维修,加强和保护您的托盘beta365官网系统. 下面是我们的一些解决方案.

  • 仓库护栏|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳搬运

    Warehouse Guard Rails

    Available in medium and heavy duty, 仓库护栏保护您的托盘beta365官网, 仓库结构和其他重要区域不受仓库设备的损坏. These guard rails are rated for 10,000 lb impacts at 4 mph, and are available for 18" or 43" tall posts with all necessary hardware included.

  • 通道末端beta365官网保护器|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳搬运

    End of Aisle Protectors

    这些节省空间的机架保护器安装在机架通道的末端. The unique design allows you to install the guards around the rack legs saving you space especially where driving lanes are tight. 低姿态的警卫也节省空间,在您的第一个托盘位置. 当空间有限时,这些机架保护器是理想的.

  • 模块化安全屏障系统|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳搬运

    Modular Safety Barrier System

    从把手-它建造- a - rail护栏是重型, 可定制,易于组装,以保护财产免受损坏,由于冲击. Build rail systems one, 两个或三个轨道高,只需将轨道单元一个堆叠在另一个的顶部, 并且可以连接在一起,以使运行,只要你想要的. Available in 4, 6, 8 and 10 ft lengths.

  • 立柱保护器|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳搬运

    Plastic Column Protectors

    HDPE Plastic Column Protectors are designed to easily install around your warehouse columns and provide impact protection from fork truck traffic. They are highly visible and add a protective barrier around the column should an impact occur. HDPE塑料结构重量轻,持久耐用.

  • 直立架立柱保护器|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳处理

    正直的架 & Post Protectors

    Upright Post Rack Protectors and Shallow Profile Column Guards are designed to deflect impacts from forklifts, 托盘杰克, 和托盘,当他们被移动进出beta365官网. 机架保护器卡在标准的3x3机架立柱上, and Column Guards come in a variety of standard and special order custom heights.

  • 地板安装的beta365官网护栏|托盘beta365官网产品|卡罗莱纳处理

    Floor Mounted Barriers

    Floor Mounted Barriers provide reinforced protection that is mounted flush to the floor. The flush design that is 12'' tall keeps product and forks from pushing through into pedestrian walkways or protected equipment. These barriers provide double the height of protection compared to typical guide angles.

  • Pallet 架修复 offered by Carolina Handling

    Damo职业 & Damo可以

    Damo职业和Damo可以用于修复和加固损坏的前柱. 每个都有一个终身保修,防止冲击, is designed to fit on any type of racking system, and can accommodate multiple levels of 光线。. Damo products respect the original configuration of the rack while restoring the loading capacity.

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  • Rack Deflex Plate and Damo 王 by Damotech

    Damo Deflex Plate & 王

    The Damo Deflex plate protects uprights from side impacts and abuse in drive-in tunnels as well as end of aisle applications. 它安装在Damo职业或Damo可以的侧面. The Damo 王 is used on new racking systems to further protect uprights and prevent damage from impact and abuse to the lower part of the frame.

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  • Rack Guards offered by Carolina Handling

    Damo警卫 & 超级后卫

    Damo警卫和超级后卫看起来很简单,但外表可能具有欺骗性. 这些精心设计的护具可防止前柱受损, 消除可能的侧扭和适合任何类型的机架. They're an efficient way to protect the most critical part of your upright: the first 24 inches. 36” & 48” options are available.

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  • beta365官网末端保护和导轨从卡罗莱纳处理

    Damo指南 & 结束警卫

    Damo指南用于窄通道入口配置. 它可以帮助beta365沿着一条确定的路径,远离立柱. Damo末端防护装置用于保护通道末端免受交通损坏. 两者的长度都是自适应的,以适应特定的需求, and are made of 3/8" thick angle iron with stiffeners to increase impact resistance.

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  • 卡罗莱纳处理提供的托盘和铁路塞

    托盘塞 & 铁路塞

    The Damo 托盘塞 is used to protect walls or back frames against pallet impact at floor level, and has a standard length of 24”. The Damo 铁路塞 is used to protect walls and back frames against pallet impacts at rail level. Both are made of 3/8" thick angle iron. 其他 colors and galvanized finish are available.

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Carolina Handling offers a variety of wire products including wire mesh pallet decking, 线的容器, industrial rolling carts, 安全的笼子里, 和更多的. Whether you're looking for reinforced shelving or just a place to lock up your tools and equipment, 我们有你仓库需要的电线产品.

  • Industrial 钢丝架子 from Carolina_Handling


    Our wire mesh decking solutions are designed to provide additional safety for pallet rack applications throughout your warehouse or fulfillment center. We offer a number of brands and products for a variety of different uses; everything from 轻型 shelving to heavy duty racks. Contact our team to discuss your needs.

  • 线 Security 笼子里 from Carolina Handling

    分区 & 笼子里

    线 partitions are used in warehouses and manufacturing facilities for tool cribs, 设备的笼子里, and general storage areas. Standard configurations are two, three, or four sided with an entry door to the caged area. Doors can be equipped with key locks, 键盘, 读卡器, fingerprint scanners, 推动酒吧, 和更多的.

  • Industrial 滚动车 by WorldCart


    工业推车是完美的零售和商业应用. They can provide a safe alternative to hand trucks and 轻型 托盘杰克 when picking orders in the warehouse and replenishing shelves on the sales floor. 可在各种配置可选的beta365官网. 如图所示: WorldCart™ from WWMH

  • 来自纳什维尔电线产品的电线容器,由Carolina Handling提供


    We offer a variety of wire containers, including: folding, 轻型, 散装, 托盘包围, 和更多的. All of the stock containers we offer have 4-way entry for easy use with forklifts, 方便的下拉式浇口设计,易于接近产品, 安全等级板具有静载能力和静载高度.

Let's Talk 关于 Rack & 线

有关为您的设施选择合适的机架和存储的更多beta365官网, fill out the form below and a Carolina Handling representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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